By: P.C. Cast & Kristin Cast

Plot: I'm not sure that there was one. Something about a girl, a mark, a school and vampires. That's about it.

My Thoughts: Full disclosure: I didn't finish this book. Because this book is the worst. The story was so slow moving. Nothing in the plot was ever explained or developed.  Almost halfway through the novel she's still on the first day of school! There were so many inconsistencies and just terrible writing. Also, why spell vampire, vampyre? That's just annoying. Spelling it that way doesn't make you edgy or cool or any different from the million other authors writing about the exact same thing.

I don't understand why some authors think that to sound like a teenager they have to make the characters so stupid! It's insulting to teenagers really. Apart from that, they also made the main character shallow, selfish, judgmental, mean, and just a stereotypical bratty girl. I found nothing to like about her at all. There was nothing new or original about her or any of the other characters for that matter. The only way they knew how to make one girl sound southern was to have her say "y'all" ALL. THE. TIME.

[More ranting about the main character.] She was so full of herself! Talking about her perfect skin, hair, and clothes.  Yeah like a typical teenage girl is going to be able to relate to that. I've never heard so many brand names mentioned in a book before. I don't care! Clearly the authors are not capable of writing good descriptions so they have to just drop a bunch of brand names to make the character sound cool. And really it just made the main character sound so superficial.

I can't think of a single thing I liked about this book. It was just terrible. I will never read anything by these "authors" ever again.

Rating: Negative a million stars.