By: Rick Yancey

Plot: This is the second book in The 5th Wave Series. The story revolves mainly around Cassie, Ringer, Evan and Ben, with the main sections in each of their points of view.

My Thoughts: I thought this was a solid follow up to the 5th wave. I'm so happy that the author didn't feel the need to make this book longer than the first one and include a ton of unnecessary crap to do so. (Unlike almost every other Young Adult author.) I really enjoyed this book just as much as the first one. Usually I really enjoy the first book in a YA series and then it just goes downhill from there. This is one of those rare exceptions.

This book was pretty dark! I don't know that I would even classify it as a young adult book. There were multiple parts that were pretty disturbing to read. The ending was especially crazy and I did not see it coming. I'm glad I didn't read a whole lot about this book before reading it because if I had heard there was a twist I would have spend the whole book trying to figure it out. I also felt like there were answers! I didn't finish the book with even more infuriating questions.

With all the multiple points of view it can feel like not a lot is actually happening in the book. I can see how some readers might be expecting more action but I thought it was perfect. I really enjoyed the different points of view and reading the backstories to certain characters. I thought it had a good amount of action and character development.

Rating: 4/5 I really enjoyed it! Can't wait for the concluding book.