By: Pittacus Lore

Plot Summary: A small group of aliens have escaped from their home planet as it is destroyed by enemy aliens to seek refuge on Earth. There is some alien magic protecting them so that they can only be killed in a certain order. (I don't know how the first poor alien got suckered into this arrangement.) The first three are now dead and the main character, John, is the fourth. Dun dun dun!

Thoughts: The plot, characters, and writing were all really good. I was drawn in immediately and I don't think I even stopped reading once I had started.

The plot was always moving. I never felt like there was a dull moment or like I was waiting for something to happen.

The main character's love interest, Sarah, was not my favorite. I just didn't like them together. It seemed like she was only there to get into trouble and have John sweep in and save the day. I just wanted someone to lock her in a room so she would stay out of trouble. The author is so good at the action but not so good with the romance in the story.

For as much as I disliked Sarah, I loved John's best friend Sam. He was perfect. Right down to his obsession with aliens.

The ending/last battle lasted way too long. It just went on and on and kept getting worse and worse to the point where it just seemed ridiculous.   

Favorite Quotes: “No. Don't give up hope just yet. It's the last thing to go. When you have lost hope, you have lost everything.”

“The price of memory is the memory of the sorrow it brings.”

Rating:  4/5  Fast, easy, enjoyable read.