By: Carlos Ruiz Zafon

Plot Summary: In Barcelona, a young boy, Daniel, is taken to the Cemetery of Forgotten Books by his father after his mother's death. The rule is you choose one book and must always take care of it. He picks a book titled The Shadow of the Wind. Later, when he tries to find other books written by the same author he finds out that someone has been destroying all of this author's books. He sets out to find whoever is destroying all these books and why. 

Thoughts: I was immediately so drawn into this story.  I loved pretty much everything about this book! I especially loved the idea of the graveyard of forgotten books. I want to go there and pick a book and protect it forever! This is a book about books. Which is something that I absolutely love.  It is one of those books that has everything.  It's happy, sad, funny, suspenseful, mysterious, action packed, with a little romance thrown in. All of the things. 

The plot was very complex and involved.  It was just very well thought out and smart.  Everything and everyone seemed to have some significance. The book is pretty long but I was so interested in it the whole time.  And I love how it ended.  It was perfect.

I liked pretty much all the characters and I loved all the connections that there were between them.  There are a lot of characters but they were all so well developed and had distinct personalities. Fermin was probably my favorite. The book was just so well written and such a great read.

Favorite Quotes: “Books are mirrors: you only see in them what you already have inside you.”

“Time goes faster the more hollow it is. Lives with no meaning go straight past you, like trains that don't stop at your station.”

“A story is a letter the author writes to himself, to tell himself things that he would be unable to discover otherwise.”

My Rating: 5/5 I would consider this one of my top five favorite books OF ALL TIME. I loved it so.