Plot Summary: Second book in the Darkest Minds trilogy. Picks up a little bit after the first book left off with Ruby well established in the Children's League.
My Thoughts: I think I waited too long after reading the first book in the series to get to this one. I'm not sure if it was the writing or just me but the beginning seemed so jumbled and confusing. The dialogue was weird and I was confused about what was even going on at times. This time around the story just didn't feel believable.
Getting through this book was like trudging through mud. It was way too much work. The book was so long and it just drug on and on and on. I felt like so many things were pointless and should have been left out and it would have been much better. For example I found the whole Rob situation completely pointless, and wish his character would have been left out of the story entirely.
A huge problem I had with this book was the main character. Ruby was all over the place. One second she is crying her eyes out and the next she's acting all tough. So she's either a baby or a bad a**. Just pick one Alexander Bracken! She's not believable as both. And enough with the constant whining about everything being her fault. A meteor could hit the earth and she would think it was her fault. It drove me up the wall! And she kept making the dumbest decisions and the whole thing was just way too predictable.
Finally, FINALLY, at the end it started to pick up. And by the end I mean the last thirty pages or so. The obvious character dies (Ruby's fault, of course) and it suckered me in enough to want to read the final book and see how this whole mess ends.
Rating: 2/5 Definitely a disappointing sequel to a good book.