By: Ernest Cline
Plot Summary: In the year 2044 there is a virtual reality like video game called the OASIS. The creator of the game, Halliday, has died and is passing on his huge fortune, along with control over the OASIS, to whoever can solve a riddle/quest that he setup before his death.
My Thoughts: I can't imagine how hard it is to write about someone playing video games and actually make it interesting. I thought Cline did a pretty good job. There is a lot of background information and explanations about different things which I didn't mind and found kind of interesting but I can see how some people would find that boring to read. There was definitely a lot of world building but there is action too.
My big problem with the novel was that it seemed like the main character, Wade, got through everything so easily. It was always some game that he had mastered years ago, or a movie he had seen a million times, or some random fact about Halliday's life that he knew all about. I get that he's had five years to prepare for this, but still. The only difficult part for him was solving the riddles to figure out where the gates were. Problems would come up and he would have a way too convenient way around them. And his plans never really went wrong.
I liked and didn't like Wade's relationship with Art3mis. I loved the scene where they first meet and their whole interaction. And then.... they never really saw each other again! I mean he mentions all the times that they've hung out but only in passing. There are random emails but those weren't very exciting. I just really liked them together so I wanted more! Is that too much to ask? I mean, yes they eventually get more time together but by then it's just too little too late. Obviously, writing about relationships is not Cline's strong point.
Favorite Quote: "I was afraid, for all of my life, right up until I knew it was ending. That was when I realized, as terrifying and painful as reality can be, it's also the only place where you can find true happiness."
Rating: 4/5 I enjoyed reading it, and if you like video games and the eighties, this is definitely the book for you.